Awards & Press


Das Magazin “Der Spiegel” machte Mitte Februar im Artikel “So schmeckt das erste Viertel”
einen geschmackvollen Rückblick auf den Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Darin wurde unser 2014 Spätburgunder “CCL” empfohlen!

“Dieses Jahr (2014) muss auch in der Rückschau mit einem ganz besonderen Wein gefeiert werden.
…Der Spätburgunder aus drei Lagen entfaltet ein fantastisches Bouquet von wilden Beeren,
Heckenrose, Wacholder, Röstaromen, Kirschbaumholz….Super vital, Spannung, Druck!
Eingehüllt in einen feinen Schmelz, edel, vielschichtig. Toller Wein.”
von Gerald Franz

In the latest edition of “the best wineries of 2025”
we have moved up to 5 F!

“The extremely cherry-fruity, spicy, wonderfully complex Pinot Noir from Kenzingen (acid, tannin – everything is perfect) is even surpassed by its counterpart from the Herbolzheimer Kaiserberg (…). The Chardonnay from this location is also absolutely sublime (…) All of this and much more (especially the Syrah from the Achkarrer Schlossberg!) is worth the fifth F for us.”

We received great awards

We are delighted to receive these great awards from James Suckling:

Score 98  2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay                                                                                            (TOP 100 WINES GERMANY 2024)

Score 97 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weißer Burgunder

Score 96 2022 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder

Score 96 2022 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder

Score 95 2022 Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder

Der Weinwisser hat drei unserer Lagenweine ausgezeichnet:

19 Punkte “Weltklasse”: 2022 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay

18 Punkte “Gross”: 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

18 Punkte “Gross”: 2022 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay

Podcast episode “Fritz Waßmer – Burgundian elegance from the heart of Baden”

Click here for the complete podcast episode: here

We are very pleased about our promotion to 5 black grapes (“world leader”) and the award of four of our wines with 5 black grapes:

Rating wines

5 black grapes = world class

2022 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Gris

2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Merlot

2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Syrah

Excellent reviews from Robert Parker -The Wine Advocate- for our wines!

We are happy about 94 points for these wines:

2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim White Burgundy

2018 Pinot Noir “CCL”

2019 Pinot Noir “CCL”

2019 Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir

2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir

4 stars

We are pleased about Top ratings for the 2022 vintage!

“…a successful collection”

94 points 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim White Burgundy

94 points 2022 Schlossberg Staufen Pinot Blanc

93+ points 2022 Schlossberg Achkarren Pinot Gris

95+ points 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

91 points 2022 Pinot Noir “Alte Reben”

In the Vinum Wine Guide 2025, we were promoted to 5 stars and received the Baden Regional Prize Winner “Rising Star of the Year”.

We are very happy about this and are full of pride.

“World class winery”

We are pleased about the promotion to 4.5 stars.

An excerpt of the best-rated wines:

95 points 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

93 points 2022 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Blanc

93 points 2022 Schlossberg Staufen Pinot Blanc

93 points 2022 Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir


Some of our wines performed very well at this year’s red wine awards.

Cabernet family category
1st place: 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc | 93 points
2nd place: 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Cabernet Sauvignon | 92 points

Merlot category
1st place: 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Merlot | 93 points

Category Syrah
2nd place: 2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Syrah | 93 points

Category noble sweet
3. Place: 2020 Pinot Noir Weißherbst Beerenauslese | 93 points

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung was looking for “carefree enjoyment for the summer” and found this, among other things, in our Rosé FW.

“His Rosé FW also has elements of Merlot and Syrah and becomes a fascinating, almost Mediterranean wine, which not only offers a lot of strawberry and cranberry fruit, but with chamomile tones and a certain saltiness is also a good, not too drinkable accompaniment to food.”

This one has ours in the current issue of “Der Spiegel”.
2022 Pinot Noir estate wine as one of “Eight Wines for
under 15 euros that you need to know” is particularly recommended.

“It smells like sour cherry, blackberry leaf, something
Cherry wood, smoke, caramel, roasted almond.
Also some cocoa and autumn leaves on the palate.
Fresh acidity and medium tannins keep the whole thing in shape.
Dense, indulgent, incredible entry-level quality.”

1 platinum medal, 2 gold medals

97 points, Platinum 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder                                 Best Spätburgunder in Germany

95 points, Gold 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir

95 points, Gold 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir

In the latest edition “the best wineries 2024”
we were again awarded 4 1/2 F!

“With the Pinot Noirs, we were thrilled by how radiant the fruit was – an impressively clear, concentrated aroma! At the same time, they shine with polish and elegance, especially with the representatives from Roter Berg and Sommerhalde.”

We received eight great awards

We are delighted to receive these great awards from James Suckling:

Score 95  2021 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay

Score 95 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

Score 95 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weißer Burgunder

Score 94 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder

Score 94 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder

Score 94 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay

Score 90 2020 Chardonnay Réserve

Score 89 2022 Chardonnay

“German top. Winery with international reputation.”

94 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
92 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir 2018
92 points Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018
92 points Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay 2018

We are pleased about Top ratings for the 2021 vintage!

“…with creamy white wines and reds with great aging potential, a top position among the Baden winemakers. …. This creates an impressive collection of 2021s – with lace from Herbolzheim’s Kaiserberg.”

94 points 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

93+ points 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Gris

93+ points 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

93 points 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir

93 points 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach White Burgundy

93 points 2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Pinot Gris

We would also like to highlight the Falstaff tip: 91 points for our 2021 Pinot Noir “Alte Reben”

4.5 stars and 4 wines in the top ten!

We are pleased about the top ratings of four wines among the TOP 10!

TOP TEN 4th place White Burgundy 2018: 94 points 2018 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

TOP TEN 4th place Chardonnay: 95 points 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay

TOP TEN 4th place White Burgundy varieties: 94 points 2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Grauer Burgunder

TOP TEN 5th place Spätburgunder: 95 points 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder

“Excellent winery”

We are happy about 4 stars!

92 points 2016 Schlossberg Staufen Pinot Blanc

92 points 2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Gris

92 points 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir


In the latest edition of “The 500 Best Wineries in Germany” we were awarded 4 1/2 F!

“We were blown away by Fritz Waßmer’s 2019 collection, both white and red. You don’t find this much cleanliness, precision and clarity everywhere. […] A high-class specialty are the Chardonnays from Roter Berg and Kaiserberg, which, despite malolactic fermentation, have good acidity and are not buttery.
The Pinot Noirs are also always permeated by a fine vein of acidity. The Roter Berg is a powerhouse with finesse, the Sommerhalde is earthier and pepperier, the CCL is velvety and transparent. The icing on the cake is the Kasierberg, which, despite its fullness and depth, runs easily over the palate.”

“Fritz Waßmer Chardonnay is one of the first really worldclass Chradonnys made in Germany”

We are delighted to receive these great awards from James Suckling:

Score 98 2020 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay“This is exactly what many people expect from great white Burgundy! – is one of the first really world-class chardonnays made in Germany”

Score 97 2020 Schlossberg Staufen Weissburgunder “You could easily mistake this game-changing dry pinot blanc from Germany’s far south for a Montrachet Grand Cru thanks to its astonishing balance of great concentration, super-fine tannins and mind blow minerality.”

Score 97  2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay  “ Anyone who doubts German’s ability to produce great Chardonnay should taste this beauty that precisely balances richness with elegance, minerality with concentrated and delicate candied citrus fruit.”

Score 96 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weissburgunder “At once very mineral and dangerously fresh, this dry pinot blanc smashes the mold for this grape.”

Score 96 2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder “The generous fruits rouge character and silkiness on the precisely balanced palate make this a very sensual pinot noir that requires no experience to fully enjoy.”

Score 95 2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Weissburgunder “Although this is still very youthful, the ripeness of the pear and citrus aromas is immediately obvious. Beautifully integrated toasty character and fine tannins plus an elegant acidity give this wonderful balance on the generous palate.

Score 95 2020 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay “A stunning elegant chardonnay with stacks of lemon curd, candied citrus and vanilla brioche character.”

Score 94 2020 Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder “Wild berries and very spicy, this bright, medium-bodied pinot noir has an uplifting balance of restrained fine tannins and lively acidity.

We are happy about first place in the “Cabernet Family” category!

2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc

“The best reds compete with the Grand Crus from Burgundy”

Top reviews – and great wine descriptions!

95 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

94+ points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

93+ points Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir

“But we also want to shine the spotlight on the basic Pinot: so much Burgundy for 9.80 euros, which is – to put it carefully – a pretty attractive offer”

“At first Waßmer shone with great red wines, but now the white representatives of the elegant Burgundy family are also among Baden’s top.”

In this year’s edition of Gault&Millau, some of our wines were rated with at least 4 grapes. Here you will find a selection of the reviews:

5 black grapes
2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir

4 red grapes
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir

4 black grapes
2020 Schlossberg Staufen White Burgundy
2020 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Gris
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzeim White Burgundy
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzeim White Burgundy
2020 Pinot Noir “CCL”
2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir

Wir freuen uns über den 1. Platz in der Kategorie “Cabernet Familie”!

2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc

4 stars
“Strong collection”


96 points, Gold 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir

95 points, Gold 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay

95 points, Gold 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder

90 points, silver 2019 Pinot Noir

90 points, Silver 2019 Chardonnay Réserve

“The three chardonnays (…) are game-changing wines for this grape in Germany.”

Score 97  2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay “super-elegant and super-focused on the very concentrated palate”
Score 95  2019 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay “the chalky freshness [is] lifting the generous body very neatly”
Score 95  2019 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay “Smells and tastes like a perfectly ripe Amalfi lemon, but with a subtle, flinty undertone.”

Score 96  2019 Schlossberg Achkarren Grauburgunder “subtle spiciness, (…) never before encountered in wines of this category”
Score 95  2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauburgunder “super-long and very clean, chalky finish”
Score 95  2019 Schlossberg Staufen Weissburgunder “stunning interplay of vanilla oak with cool white-peach and sliced-pear character”

3 wines among the TOP TEN

96 points (95-99 points Outstanding wines that are […] very rare) 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder – TOP TEN – is one of the best wines of the vintage
95 points 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc – TOP TEN
94 points 2019 Schlossberg Achkarren Syrah – TOP TEN

German top. Winery with international reputation.

We are happy about 1st AND 2nd place in the “Cabernet Family” category!

1st place: 2019 Schlossberg Staufen Cabernet Sauvignon

2nd place: 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc

“(…) the Pinot Noir series is impressive again.”

94 points     2019  Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir “pure (…), extremely powerful, precise, structured, still very youthful”

93 points     2019  Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir “very subtle chocolate (…), has fullness, power and tannins”

“Fritz Waßmer is known for a wine style that goes all out.”

All vineyard wines were rated with more than 91 points. We are very proud of the 93+ points for our 2019 Herbolzheim Kaiserberg Chardonnay!

We are also pleased about very good reviews of our premium wines:

90 points 2019 “Réserve” Pinot Blanc

92+ points 2019 “XXL” Pinot Noir

91 points 2019 “Alte Reben” Pinot Noir


Score 96 2018 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
“This stunning wine proves chardonnay has a great future in Germany.”
“Breathtaking intensity and mineral freshness at the super-long finish.”
Best Pinot Noir of the 2016 vintage: Our Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir 2016!

At the LagenCup 2021, our Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir 2016 was awarded 95 points and is therefore the best Pinot Noir of the 2016 vintage!

Best in Show: Our Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018!

The Decanter World Wine Awards results are in! This year we are particularly proud of the highest of all awards, “Best in Show” for our Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018 with 97 points!

95 points for our Chardonnay Auslese 2012 and our Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder 2018

Excellent ratings for our wines at the Gourmet World Cup!

Our Chardonnay Auslese 2012 takes 5th place in the Auslese category with 95 points, in the Lagen-Cup we are represented in 10th place with our Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder 2018 with also 95 points, directly followed by our Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder 2018 on Paltz 11 with 94 points!

5 grapes of Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir 2018
4 grapes Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir 2018
4 grapes Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018


Our 2018 estate wine Pinot Noir is one of the best German red wines under 10 euros!

In the 2021 wine ribbon with the best 150 wines and sparkling wines in Germany, our 2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgundy was honored.
“This Pinot Gris stands on several pillars (…): the wood with notes of vanilla (…), alongside ripe yellow fruits [and] some lemon.”

93 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir 2018
92 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
92 points Sommerhalde Bombech Pinot Noir 2018
“A winery that is continuously known for excellence and whose stylistic direction is highly respected at home and abroad”

All wines at least 90 and more points!
Falstaff tip: 2018 Pinot Noir estate wine
“90 points 2018 Pinot Noir dry: Medium ruby ​​in the glass. A classic aroma profile of the grape variety of raspberry, smoke, strawberry and hibiscus on the nose. These aromas can also be found on the palate, a medium body, recognizable structure, ripe tannins, balancing acidity and a good finish.”

„Deutsche Spitze. Weingut mit internationalem Renommee.“

94 Punkte Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
92 Punkte Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder 2018
92 Punkte Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018
92 Punkte Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay 2018


LAGENCUP White 2020 – The best white wines in Germany have been chosen. We are pleased about the award as Regional Champion Baden and the best Pinot Gris of the year 2017:

Baden winner
Best Pinot Gris 2017
2017 Achkarrer Schlossberg, Pinot Gris, Fritz Waßmer Winery, BADEN

“The darkest volcanic soils in the Achkarrer Schlossberg can heat up so much in summer that you could fry fried eggs on them. When Germany was still one of the wine-growing countries with rather cool weather, the Schlossberg was a bank for ripe grapes. As warming progresses, some varieties are simply becoming too hot. Since the sugar levels in Pinot Gris can quickly go through the roof given the appropriate temperatures and duration of sunshine, the winemaker must be extremely careful when working with the foliage. This not only protects the grapes from sunburn, but also delays the ripening of the grapes. This has to be carefully considered every year. Fritz Waßmer’s Pinot Gris from Schlossberg is certainly not a lightweight, which is all the more pleasing since there are already more than enough Pinot Grigio knock-offs in this country. When the jury noted “some caramel spice, candied fruit and smoke,” it can be assumed that aging in small French oak barrels played a significant role. »It’s not tasty, but it’s excellently done. Where is the veal in morel cream?” a taster asked himself and immediately gave the Schlossberg a food recommendation. Because without company he will probably quickly get lonely. (93 points)”

97 points, Platinum Medal for 2016 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder

Opulent, pretty aromas of black cherry, lifted violet, plush raspberry and cocoa lead through to a palate graced with sour cherry, clove, liquorice, red plum and all underpinned with a hint of dark spice.

Michael Schmidt: “Fritz Wassmer – fruit, veg and big wines”

Michael Schmidt, Germany correspondent for Jancis Robinson, writes about Fritz Waßmer and the love of great wines.

Gourmet blogger Sophie Hummel and Alfons Schuhbeck in conversation
“A magical wine from Baden”

“Baden’s gourmet ambassador brought the star chef one of her favorite wines from the Baden winery Fritz Waßmer. Due to its low sugar content, Pinot Gris is a real magical wine and is easy to drink even if you are on a diet. In keeping with the motto of the day: enjoyment without sacrifice. Cheers!”

“German top. Winery with international reputation.”

All wines from individual vineyards with ratings of 90 to 92 points
“This year too, the Kaiserberg [Pinot Noir] shows off its full potential: wonderful scent of black cherry and elderberry, smoky notes, classic Burgundian appearance.”

All red wines from single vineyards with ratings of 90 – 93 points
“As last year, at the top [of the Pinot Noir] is the Kaiserberg […] with elegance, density, complexity and juicy-salty length.”
“The winery that is continuously known for excellence and whose stylistic direction is highly respected at home and abroad”

11 of the 12 wines evaluated scored over 90 points
Falstaff tip: 2017 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay “Very elegant wood note, lots of piquancy in the nose […] lots of substance with little alcohol. A high-quality companion to classic cuisine.”

The Pinot Noir from the Sommerhalde Bombach single location is rated with 95 points, and from the Kaiserberg Herbolzheim location with 96 points: “Outstanding. Extraordinary wines of the highest harmony, independence, complexity, finesse and elegance. Made for maturity.” 8 of the 11 wines evaluated received a score between 90-94: “Excellent. Impressive wines with great complexity and depth, pronounced typicality and very good aging potential.”


“Excellent producer”

All red wines from single vineyards with ratings of 91 – 92 points
2016 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir 92 points “…shows smoky notes, fine toast, some spice, is clear, precise and powerful with ripe fruit.”

2016 Kaiserberg
Herbolzheim Pinot Noir and 2016 Pinot Noir “CCL” received 95 points, 11 of the 12 wines tasted were rated 91 – 95 points
“German top. Winery with international reputation.”

All wines from individual vineyards with ratings of 90 to 93 points
2016 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir 93 points “The Kaiserberg from Herbolzheim is a Pinot Noir of international quality with a previously unknown viscosity in the mouth. […] This wine stays in your mouth forever, with never-ending sweetness, freshness and transparency at the same time.”

2015 Pinot Noir “Alte Reben” receives gold medal

The Pinot Noir “Alte Reben” 2015 was the only Baden Pinot Noir to be awarded gold!
We are also pleased about the silver medals for Pinot Noir “XXL” 2015 and Sauvignon Blanc 2018!

The winery “which is continuously known for excellence and whose stylistic direction is highly respected at home and abroad”

All wines with ratings between 91 and 95 points
2016 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir 95 points “Dark fruit, creamy, large complexions, already a joy: juice, power and suppleness.”


97 points, Platinum Medal for 2015 Pinot Noir “Alte Reben”

“A complex nose of dark berries, Morello cherries, hints of chocolate and roasting aromas. The purity of Pinot Noir shines through and there is a nice firm structure behind the ripe tannins. Great aging potential.”

96 points, gold medal for 2015 Pinot Noir “XXL”
95 points, gold medal for 2015 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay


1st place Roter Berg Kenzingen Merlot


2nd place Top Ten French factor


Awarded the “Red Giant”
Syrah 2012 rated as the best German Syrah


1st place Syrah 2012


Winery of the Year 2013


International Trophy, Pinot Noir “XXL” 2009


Regional Trophy, Pinot Noir “XXL” 2007


1st place Syrah 2007


1st place Syrah 2003


2nd place Pinot Noir “Alte Reben” 2001